Friday, December 25, 2009

Supplement Cancer and Intense Juan Ruben Torrestorrche -Military Tricare . is a great insurance . For the Army, Navy ,Airforces ,and The Marines .But Some Familys that love this Care .Are Taking Charge By purchasing a Supplement Cancer and Intense Care. . That GivesThem a Peace of Mind And Control

Tricare Prime,Tricare Extra,Tricare Standard,Tricare Dental,Marines,insurance,Army,Navy,Airforces

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Supplemental Health Care for the Mitchell Family of Folkston Georgia

There is so much to say about the Mitchell's . Great family and fun loving. They help maintain family balance, but one thing is for sure- they both decided to get protected with a Cancer and Intensive Care policy. They needed that peace of mind to keep their family business running. Listen to what The Mitchell's have to share...

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Long Term Health Care Antwon Nixion of Folkston Georiga

www.rj-imarketing Young and Ready For The World Some Young People Our Invincable . and have incrediable strength or so they think . Mr Antwon Nixion . Took a take Charge of his family life with a long term
care Cancer Plan . That will help take care of the bills and everyday expense . And his is a Strong Business Woman Wife . We talk with here later and get her thoughts .Almost forgot The Nixions Have Great Health Insurance with The Railroad and some familys would rely on there jobs insurance but the Nixions. with a young family life has it ups and down listen what Antwon has to Say

Long Term Care Cancer and ICU Martha Lovett Mrs Martha lovett Really Love Her Soaps. And she Really loves The protection of here long term care Cancer policy . she like the policy because of its no lifetime limits and the travel rider on the policy
she can sleep at night with a peace of mind knowing if any thing ever happen to her they do not have to worry about Mrs Martha and she like her agent also . And The Soaps That She Watch on Tv is Great To Smile

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Long Term Health Care Mattie Braxton of Folkston Georiga Mrs Mattie Braxton .One Our Great Customer . This is were taking care a customer really pays off more than money . you have a long term friendship with your customer i am really glad that we have here protected with best long term care learn more click here www,

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cancer And Supplement Care/Intense Care

Folkston Georiga has been one the hardest hit area in the state of Georgia all because of
the West Frager Timber Company . the town all other counties suffer a great loss . half
of the city count on the West Frager Another great loss has been a loss of health insurance

Many of West Frager Timber Company are without health insurance and the ones that have
insurance have cobra . with cobra there monthly priemium has double and some it has triple and
without employment some have just drop the health insurance .

Pastor G. Roberson and Mrs Roberson . Well i meet with the Roberson a Cheerful Couple
last week a spoke what we had to offer to them .