Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Business is Not Easy !( Dammit )

Everything starts with a plan , and Hard work  when you start a journey of a business of any-kind its best to say to do allot of research on the topic .

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There is a easy way to build a business .  Yes indeed you must go with winners who have made money . Time and Time Again their methods have made them  thousand, and millions of dollars .

If you are viewing my Video , Business takes allot of Hard Work i don't  care what industry you are in , Travel, Food Fragrance ,Cars Barbers , Lawyers Doctors ,  Truck Drivers, Any lifestyle
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Just Recent i seen the News when a women ,was chasing a thief  stealing from a billion dollar company Walmart ,

This Guy and his family stole a Cart full of Food and some others stuff that was not food and they lady was recording the scene and was calling herself a good deeded or doing good deed nerveless i would not chase this man when i could have call the police because Walmart is a billionaire Company

And she  could have lost her fucking  life doing a deed that could have cost Walmart  400 dollars and they have insurance on everything  in their store except her.

  Yes i understand her purpose , life can change so quick just call the cops also she had her kids along with her embarrassed a thief  and  he still left with the food . She could have got killed and more than than food would have been loss of life

Here is my message call the Cops !

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