they don't carry Cash they afraid they will spend it Really
Here is what I do realize ! most people do not no how to count their money . Could you image the reason that they don't.
My Guess? is they do not have nothing in their pockets( Green paper money to be Accountable for )
Here is what I want you to do today take 100 dollars out of the bank or cash your check and put Green paper money in your pockets or purse and hid your debit card or credit card for a few days
ask the bank teller to break this down into 5 .10 some 20 and the rest in ones . And bank will be surprise is everything ok
And I want you to leave your Credit card and Debit Card Home Now this will be only for a couple of Days will power people
Use this money to buy lunch gas gum and start subtracting from the 100 dollars now you need a yellow pad and pencil or pen or a piece paper to write the things you buy each day . this could save you millions opps ! just thinking Big or thousand
Below here are some example that could help ( lets have fun ) No judgment here we learning and having fun
100- 20 = 80
100 - 2.50 =
100 - 1=
100 -99 =
100 - 88 =
100 - 12=
100 - 15=
100-10 =
100-.50 =
Add your answers here ! and this is just for fun Thank for having Fun with me Until next time keep counting Green Paper Money
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One plus 1 = What ( Green Paper Money)