Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Why I am Using Instagram and Not Facebook

Why I am Using Instagram and Not Facebook. i have been testing instagram  for about three months this platform will bring you new clients across the globe (Who want to buy from you today )

This is how i know Facebook  platform has change from Facebook to instagram the smart phones are faster and everyone loves pictures and that is why , Facebook bought instagram for 1 Billion Dollars because . (People Loves Picture ) and you can post a message that people will view quick and easy

The other day i was driving and stop at the light .i look into the next car and the teens in the car was looking at pictures on their phone and the picture was post on on instagram

This is How i make money by using instagram , my  business has been using the billboard  message to engage with the viewer by sending a positive message each day up to four times daily  ,the picture billboard relays what i am thinking  and in instant you can receive a positive from  the viewer(a HEART) attach to the  message

(Thank You for Coming back ) This Clever and Epic

Now i next example how instagram is working its magic is by using 16 seconds video that you tell your viewers what to look for on your ,youtube  channel or a special link its selling without the long production that everyone has to do on you tube to get views   and you can use a smartphone like my LG 2 .this a clever way to send out a message fast i send out a video that told my viewers about Motivation Friday .this video was a instant hit and my kid was in the back round laughing and enjoying the moment .

This will help to built your teams in an business ,see how this works in networking or marketing a Brand you ,only positive stuff  here and tested

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