Monday, December 29, 2014

If i lost all my money

If i lost all my money 

Don't sit around being amazed at how miserable you are and
at how unfairly life is treating you. Instead, be amazed at
how quickly and effectively you can do something about it.

Don't complain to others about how tough it is for you.
Instead, inspire them with your positive and enthusiastic
attitude and actions.

When the world feels all wrong, that's a valuable signal.
It's your way of telling yourself to get going and make a

You have plenty of good options if you'll simply make the
effort to find them. Pick the best one, get busy putting it
into action, and take positive control of your world.

I Dont Care if You lost , Money, a Income, Travel, Real estate, Food, You Can Gain all This Back and More 

Buy My Book Buy Business Hustler Owner Today  I Dare You !
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Here is Follow up Math  look at this  video  30 days to get 30 clients 

Friday, December 19, 2014

The 100,000 Dollars Follow Up! 2015

The 100,000 Dollars Follow Up!  2015

 Why this will work so well in your business and to get you notice now ! Fast and you start making money and building the relationship.  Motivation  Friday !

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Here is Follow up Math  look at this  video  30 days to get 30 clients 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Need For Speed In Your Business , On Tour

Need For Speed In Your Business , On Tour  2015 

This Year has been amazing ,we are looking forward to next  year  we could be  in your city next
Business Hustler Owner Tour .With great teachers in their field let us  teach you the business of  a hunter

1,How to Sell You

2, No Your Numbers

3, Why Use Instagram,

4, Promote With Flyers

5,i love a business card, 10,000 in fact

6, How to be social with a relationship

7  How to market
And More Come take this plane ride with us

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  Make list of 100 people to buy from you today  View and make Comment peace 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Success is waiting for you . Take It 2015

Success  is waiting for you . Take It  2015   make a comment 

People who bought and Understand their business and want to learn more 
Buy Business Hustler Owner Today  I Dare You !

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  Make list of 100 people to buy from you today  View and make Comment peace 

Monday, December 15, 2014

IF you believe it you should be able to make it happen

if you believe it you should be able to make it happen

If you believe it you should be able to make it happen, Let me show you the power of you.Read Business Hustler Owner , learn how to increase your income and make money .

 and travel the world with heart and understanding the motivation and eat great food and share your love  of business take technology boldly by the by the hand and share your knowledge  Read Business Hustler Owner Today make a comment and subscribe today here on the YouTube

Here is another Video ! Enjoy your day

Buy Business Hustler Owner Today  I Dare You !

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  Make list of 100 people to buy from you today  View and make Comment peace 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Do me a Favor Read the First Chapter of Business Hustler Owner For Free i Dare You !

Do me a Favor Read the First Chapter of Business Hustler Owner For Free i Dare You ! 

And if you don't learn something from this First Chapter , You need to go ahead a Slap yourself . understanding that you wont . You  will gain great insightful information in the mind of of a hunter who do this everyday me who make real money not only online offline this  is were the real training begins .its   not watching CNN or Reading the Wall street Journal  . Or playing lotto  i am the Real Deal Baby , And  I See Business Very Clear and Forecast ever moment ,A Street to business  Mindset

Networking and making some small  deals and Bigger Deals  . So here is my Challenge to you To Read the First Chapter no Charge ,Dont   be a Chicken or A Deer, or a  Lamb . Go Ahead be that Hunter for your Family and learn How to  make this money , Brother or Sister or Young person

Buy Business Hustler Owner Today  I Dare You !

Buy Business Hustler Owner Today  Double Dare You !

Buy Business Hustler Owner Today Triple  Dare You !

Buy Business Hustler Owner Today Fuck Buy the Dam Book

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10,000 Business Cards Why ! New Video

10,000  Business Cards Why ! New Video Use  this to start your Day Saturday 

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook    please share this video Go Buy Business Hustler Owner Today 

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Friday, December 12, 2014

Why your sells are not increasing

Why your sells are not increasing 

This is all about the follow up ,in your business and why you are not telling your customer what you have for them this could be life changing for them and you have a great #Friday and how you help them make money  Click here and make money 

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook    please share this video  Go Buy Business Hustler Owner Today 

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Thursday, December 11, 2014

New Technology In Business

New Technology

Please Subscribe to my Blog . New Technology Age in Business the Everlasting Change of the  New Age of Business. We  at Business  Hustler Owner University . Believe  Your Change is Now

Why the Cell phones will be your best tools to to gain access to the world we have a globe economy to , make money now with these tools and start building your brand . towards your own business today  please subscribe  and view my web

Do you want to learn how to blog here is a way to make money

Create your own  products and service to sell around the globe . learn how to sell watch this videos

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

To be Consisting and Why ? Here is 10

To be Consisting and Why ?

There lot been said about being consist about a business or anything you want to do , why do some business get rich faster and make money .  And another business crash and burn because of their insisting 

Why should you consider to be more consisting about your business and there very true important reason why you will make alto of money when you do 

1, Plan your Day and Dream your Plan 

2, Understand your message and plan to teach your message to others 

3, know your products or service that you are selling 

4, Get up early , 

5 Stay up late 

6, Be on Time 

7, Make this your lifestyle 

8, Read positive message and view positive message 

9, Believe in Your Why 

10 Help more people 

11 Read Your Bible 

Perhaps i make video about this later  come back 

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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Looking Rich Vs. Being Rich in Business

Looking Rich Vs. Being Rich in Business 

Have you ever wonder why . actors, doctors ,lawyers, and teachers make so much money . Do they look the part are they rich .don't  assume 

More to Come later 

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Monday, December 8, 2014

Start Your Day with Motivation Here is 5

Start Your Day with Motivation Here is 5 

1 , Start with a Prayer 

2, Kiss the Wife and tell  her that you love her  forever 

3,Exercise for 15-20 minutes and get the blood moving 

4, Eat Breakfast 

5, Smile 

There is more but here is your start , move forward and have fun today share Today 

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Go Buy Business Hustler Owner Today 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Wow What a Great Full Three Days Anniversary Love this Woman

Wow What a Great Full Three Days Anniversary 

Man ,we that is  me and the wife had a great time in Savannah Georgia .As a business owner i have time and money to share with my wife .

 And guess what i will be sharing some amazing pictures with you  and videos ,stay tune and watch .  My prayer  for you is become a Business Hustler  Owner While you work for someone else learn the skills to pay the bills 

Have a great Day this Sunday and please make a comment and share 

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Go Buy Business Hustler Owner Today  

Here Some photos  we had a Blast 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Airport Clarence Business Hustler Owner Tour Baby Have a Happy Firday

Airport Clarence Business Hustler Owner Tour Baby 

Business Hustler Owner On Tour Plane Trip My Trip to Dallas Texas Was A Great Fun . Lots of studying late nights  with my Master Mind Group . we  eat dinner  stay up  late  and 12 -14 hours of class and share  make money ideas 

That  Day i flew on southwest i meet great people that sung on the plane and took care of their  customer  service is awesome   . 

And  Stewart  he share his amazing song . southwest need to give this guy a raise  . The Song was amazing . 

 So go over here and buy my  book Business Hustler Owner  and make a comment need your help and please subscribe to my newsletter the Santa to the right 

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  Make list of 100 people to buy from you today 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

( I Got No Money Bad Grammar ) I have no money, Can you give me some money

I Got No Money   Bad Grammar )  I have no money,  Can you  give me  some money  

Everyday i hear this same lame excuse . And also see allot of lazy people who want even try to get a job . they would rather become beggars with a cardboard sign give me money .because you owe me because you work so dam hard for your money  

This day  my daughter is having her third child . and this morning i had the two grandsons in the store as i inter the store this young lady was looking and staring at me at the front door as  we left the grocery the young lady ask do you have any change . with a quick response don't you see me with these two boys 

That made the young lady look  down with a shy look .  the  young lady who is  plump and look well feed and groom , and in good health 

The message  that i relay to my grandson  they will work , and  one day they will go into that grocery store and ask for job  to get employment . 

Why should  you do this around this  establishment . Without asking for a job . Young People help Other Young People  see the light 

And  show them they must go out and  work . not steal ,not kill ,not beg 

Now if you want to start a business perhaps i could help with this . or look for a good word for the management to review your application 

Look people who will  work will eat . the people who beg will always be a slave to the master 

 Some Young People  believe that life has a free ride , don't let this be your mistake .  And i will teach my Young Son and Grand kids to work for what you want 

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