Thursday, April 30, 2015

Make Money Like a Bum , And this Could Be Your Business

How a Bum that has a Shift ,Could make More Money Than You !

Donald told his Daughter that this Bum that sites in front of  Our Trump Tower is 8 Billion Dollars Richer than Him ! Because of The Housing market 20 -plus  years Ago . (The Trump Business Almost Went Bankrupt ) 

And what ever money that the Bum has or did not have he was rich because of Debt that Donald Owe to His Banker The Bum is Rich he did not owe anyone 

 Read More Below : If you ever been in business .One thing you will notice about yourself you will never give up !(On somethings) 

Here is a short story about a Bum with a Shift and why  he makes money . Everyday on Jacksonville Florida near the Orange park mall .there is 60,000 cars go back and forth to work, making a living for their family's and on Saturday and Sunday the crowd seem greater .

The people go and spend there living at the mall or paying a few bills or share some special time with family at the movie . 

Unnoticed to most The Bums come out to get paid ! Smart business know their numbers and smart bums no this  also  they are actors of a sort perhaps you have not notice their clown like behaviors (But i have ) for me this is part of my business a Business Hustler Owner 

The Bums have a methods and a Different sign message (if they are Clever they will change cloths ) this is theater at the highest level . I Have notice they will stand in the Rain , they will Stand in Cold and in  the Temperature of the Florida Heat.

 The Heat will expand  over 90 plus  degrees you can see the heat in the streets they will stand and walk up and down the small parcel of pavement and receive water food drinks and especially money (Will you Do this )

 I will without any shame lets get to the numbers (And  not as a Bum )
If 60,000 cars pass by you each day and 10 percent stop and give you a dollar that is 6,000 how about 10% of 6,000 that is 600 people and each of them Give this Actor or Bum a Crisp dollar Bill He is Making 600 hundred Dollars a Day 

Now ! Watch This Video Make Comment ( And laugh at yourself i did ) 

Make Comment Good or Bad ! And Share this message Someone you know need the help and want to start a business this could be you and share this with your kids they need a job and knowledge of business

Join Me on Facebook , Twitter, Instagram Youtube

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

You Need To Sell Some Junk What to Sell (New Video ) 2

You Need To Sell Some Junk What to Sell (New Video ) 2 

 What To Sell well  look above i found this clock now its hanging in my house ,and can still sell this item to make some money to pay a bill or start a business without borrowing money on a credit card or from a bank.  And this clock  only has a First Hand i use this as Art . 

But if you want to Buy this  Today! I Sell this for the low Fifty Dollars Sign and Deliver . Yea i will sell you this clock that i found !  In The Trash Click and  Watch this Video Now 

10 plus 3 ways to started your Blog and Make Money Watch 1 Video and

Watch part 2  Go watch this in your last email broadcast to new subscriber you get to watch above by clicking link and you can see all the  videos and learn knowleage is power  (Smile )

1, Register for a Domain name 

2 ,Register for Hosting on the same platform as your Domain Name 

3 ,Now you must get a Wordpress Blog  This is also call a website

4 You must take Action

Here is a Bible Proverbs 1 Chapter 

These are the  wise  words of Solomon son of David , king of Israel  

 They teach wisdom and self control;they will help you understand wise words t/hey will teach you how to be wise and self controlled and will teach you what  is honest and fair and right . (Open your Bible and Read the Rest Today ) God Bless Your Day 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

About Life Muhammad Ali Business Hustler Owner Message of The Day

About Life Muhammad Ali 

 Here is some Great Information About The Greatest Boxer in The World please watch and make a comment life is life 

Muhammad Ali Amazing Speech About Life

You Need To Sell Some Junk To Make Money For a Business

Here are a Few Ways To Do This Now  Click here and watch my Funny Video 

1, Yard sales. Virtual yard sales. Consignment sales. Ebay. Craigslist. And the list of ways to buy and sell stuff goes on! With spring cleaning in the air, it’s the perfect time to get rid of some clutter and make some extra cash to pay off debt or build up the emergency fund!

This will  help you get started making Money and to start Your Business Fast , By Selling some stuff or junk that you don't use any longer

Now Go Sell That Junk And Make Some Money 

Here is a Bible Verse : Romans : Chapter 3 : Verse 22 

We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ,and this is true for everyone who believes,no matter who you are 

Great Book pre- order now Appearance In Corporations and Hood America Series

Read my Blog Daily 

Buy My Book Buy Business Hustler Owner Today I Dare You !

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook please share this video 

Look at this Video How to Brand Your Blogging And make Money  will

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

You Need To Sell Some Junk To Make Money For a Business

You Need To Sell Some Junk To Make Money For a Business

Here are a Few Ways To Do This Now  Click here and watch my Funny Video 

1, Yard sales. Virtual yard sales. Consignment sales. Ebay. Craigslist. And the list of ways to buy and sell stuff goes on! With spring cleaning in the air, it’s the perfect time to get rid of some clutter and make some extra cash to pay off debt or build up the emergency fund!

This will  help you get started making Money and to start Your Business Fast , By Selling some stuff or junk that you don't use any longer

Now Go Sell That Junk And Make Some Money 

Here is a Bible Verse : Romans : Chapter 3 : Verse 22 

We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ,and this is true for everyone who believes,no matter who you are 

Great Book pre- order now Appearance In Corporations and Hood America Series

Read my Blog Daily 

Buy My Book Buy Business Hustler Owner Today I Dare You !

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook please share this video 

Look at this Video How to Brand Your Blogging And make Money  will