Do ever wonder Why ? Why do some people believe if you own a business you don"t do hard work .They say poor me i work forty hrs a week and they have me work stupid shifts in the world or hard work low wages , So what ! !
You do not understand my boss is a true ass whole and i cant stand this person who add pickles on the burgers or sit in the box next to me . taking long naps and taking credit for what i do You don" t understand ! www.
(But i do ) Clueless to most people we might not face the same issue my hour are long and my wage is not guaranteed the social security of job may never settle my soul or pay the bills when i reach a age to collect the money if i ever get a chance !
When you look for a second or third job i look for the next opportunity to help change my life to help change someone else perhaps for the better , No i don"t have a time clock .
I here to tell you. We as entrepreneur are self starter . And Our Faith in God is the Fuel yes i could be the above but i rather be in business and take my chance on wealth and charity to give business knowledge to my fellow man or women who wants to receive and understand you can do all things through Christ . Here is my issue knowledge cost money nothing is free not even a Job ! You will pay one way or the other life will show you
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