Sunday, October 28, 2012

I Did Not Get Hire and Went To College to Become a Dentist Why!!

Today a young men greeted me and said he was looking for a job . he did four years in college studied to become a dentist and he wanted to work as a understudy at the dentist office while he finish his college education . he applied at the 30 dentist office and none replied or the ones that did said they did not need his help .So one by one he call the the manger at their office and call the dentist office that own their office and ask them
 why could someone like me with the knowledge to help your business grow . Could not get Job in there field
There Answer was clear .You seem like a very driven young man we don't have this in the young people today .most want to be given something or you owe them
but i will answer your question .here is why our government has change the laws to keep my profit very low and my
overhead is high and the insurance companies want to max out there profits and i had to laid off two of my super employee
and bring my wife in to help with the paper work and have my two kids stay at the office because daycare is two high
And there is more before i cry .with my patient they need a lot of care on there teeth and since i cant invest in new technology
i must let these patient past through my office because i can help them with there needs and that is some of reason i did  not  hire
a asset . like yourself that truly needed in my business today  .the  young man  understood and call the next office
The phone rung and rung and the answer machine came on . Dr.Watson will not be accepting insurance E. C because of the government new regulation
and will not be accepting new clients He did not leave a message.
The young man tried to call later that afternoon .with a Surprise Dr . Watson office may i help .the person at the other end was the doc himself may i help
you . the young man reply
Doctor Watson i have tried to call your office for work and you have not
have a reply . can you please tell me why with a short grunt he said son Am the only one here i had to layoff all my employees and i am filling chapter Bankruptcy  13 to keep the doors
open .Dr Watson said he have been a Dentist for 18 years and his Father was a Dentist and his Father before him was a dentist .
There is a chance my kids will never go into this field because .of the government new laws and the taxes they want us to pay and the expense drugs to help take of the client
i would never ,the phone drop and there was a dial tone and the conversation was over
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

President Obama War with Romney

Crazy Debate .Did anyone understand this fight look i vote for Obama but when the only two black people that were there was scared to ask the real question why are we the only one with a 18% unemploment and why? Are our kids cant find summer jobs .Why because the parents have the kids jobs like Burger King and McDonalds Paper or Plastic may
I Carry
your bags .Believe me i have friends all races out of jobs asking for help and borrowing money they can not repay they cant go to doctors to take care
themself We have people that go school with five degrees and work Dollar tree Mr President iam mad as hell and If i
loss some friends Good luck and go vote make your choice today and understand the facts this is real business the business of life
Some people say that Obama did not get us into this mess .true but he did say that he would get us out of this mess ! But what happen he got big business out and not America Now he want to be for all people Yea Right The Power and the love of Money your comments are welcome

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Five Laws of Gold .(Here is Three )

This is because most people don't understand that, when it comes to being rich, it's not about how much money you make. It's about how much money you keep.
A quick story illustrates this well.
The Richest Businessmen
In 1923, a group of some of the greatest leaders and richest businessmen at the time held a meeting at the Edgewater Beach hotel in Chicago. Among them were Charles Schwab, head of the largest independent steel company; Samuel Insull, president of the world's largest utility; Howard Hopson, head of the largest gas company; Ivar Kreuger, president of International Match Co., one of the largest companies in the world at the time; Leon Fraser, president of Bank of International Settlements; Richard Whitney, president of the New York Stock Exchange; Arthur Cotton and Jesse Livermore, two of the biggest stock speculators; and Albert Fall, a member of President Harding's cabinet.
Twenty-five years later, nine of these titans ended their lives as follows: Schwab died penniless after living for five years on borrowed money. Insull died broke in a foreign land, and Kreuger and Cotton also died broke. Hopson went insane.
Here is Something you need to Read .before you Vote !
The Five Laws of Gold (Here is Three)
1,Gold cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less
than one-tenth of his earning to create an estate for his future and that of his family.
2.Gold laboreth diligenty and contentedly for the wise owner who finds for it profitable employment
multiplying evenas the flocks of the field
3., clingeth to the protection of the cautious owner who invests it under the advice of men wise
in its handling
Now you must Read more in this True Story that reflects what is happen in the world today Have peace in everything you do
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