Saturday, May 11, 2013

Selling you ! In a Networkmarketing Email to close a Deal

Sometimes i wonder why this work. The Fear Factor to Join a Organization who suppose to  have your  back this message  sound like a parent telling you whats right for your life  or so you think lets read the whole  email . And i took out there  links to there sell page . this email got sent to me for a recruitment all it did is made me think

I was just talking to my business partner
about people who insist on claiming that
their reason for not starting in a business
is because they "don't have the money".

Two things come to mind.

#1: What's confusing to me is that the reason
they say they CAN'T get started in a business
is the same reason they went looking for a
business in the first place:

"I don't have enough money".

You can use that as a reason for why you MUST
get started or...
You can use that as an excuse
for why you CAN'T get started.

But you can't do both...

$25 to get started... that's all!

Now the second one confuses me to the point
it's annoying.

#2: When I was in that "can't afford it"
situation, someone did me a real favor.

They looked me in the eye and here's what
they said:

"STOP BEING A WUSSY! You're 23 years old!
You're a grown man, living with parents and
delivering pizzas. What are you doing with
your life!? You don't even have $20 in your
bank account!"

"If you don't change the way you think about
money RIGHT NOW... then I can come find
you in 6 months and you'll be in worse shape
than you are now. Because prices aren't going
down... they're going up."

It made me drop my jaw.

It ticked me off.

It made me utterly mad.

And it also jolted me into action.

Because, here's the FACT:

If you're 25 years old and you don't have $500
in your bank account, your financial philosophy
sucks. And if you're 40 years old with less than
$2,000 in your bank account, your financial
philosophy sucks.

Does that make you a bad person? No.

Am I saying that you're stupid? Nope.
Didn't even imply it.

Am I saying that you haven't had circumstances
that set you back? Nope.

But, it doesn't change
the fact that YOU are responsible for your
financial health. And if you have less than $2k
in your bank account...

you are ONE phone call away from being dead broke.
you are ONE transmission failure away from being dead broke.
you are ONE emergency room visit away from being dead broke.
you are ONE water heater or refrigerator away from being dead broke.

It's not a question of IF that's going to happen....
it's a question of WHEN.

And, if you're using "I can't afford it" as your
excuse for why you can't move forward in life....
you're not going to like what your life may look
like in the next 6, 12 and 24 months.

You're a giant drowning in 3 inches of water.
Stand up, pick yourself up by the boot straps,
get in, and commit to YOUR future:

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