Saturday, September 27, 2008

Oprah And Suzy Orman If you have not seen the Oprah Winfrey Show .And her Guess on that show was Suzy (Guru) Orman ..

Oprah And Suzy Orman If you have not seen the Oprah Winfrey Show .And her Guess on that show was Suzy (Guru) Orman .Well let me say we do not agree with everthing Suzy has too says but she do have a point or two . Well she had a Married couple who lost there jobs on Oprah Show . and they where paying all there bills on Credit . 90 thousand Dollars she add everybill up and told the couple in direct order sell your home . Really . to us that is not a good idea . We would have told them to rent there house and Find a apartment . and find jobs it does not matter if it is Fast food , Garbadge Man or Women .
Do something take Action . And another Way is Too start a Home base Business.there is a way out .
Here is a Few links that We found on the web that that could help will not make any money on these sites .But all we ask look at these sites. And Take Action Today if you do not want this kind of information you can drop off our mailing list at Anytime Or
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