Monday, December 29, 2014

If i lost all my money

If i lost all my money 

Don't sit around being amazed at how miserable you are and
at how unfairly life is treating you. Instead, be amazed at
how quickly and effectively you can do something about it.

Don't complain to others about how tough it is for you.
Instead, inspire them with your positive and enthusiastic
attitude and actions.

When the world feels all wrong, that's a valuable signal.
It's your way of telling yourself to get going and make a

You have plenty of good options if you'll simply make the
effort to find them. Pick the best one, get busy putting it
into action, and take positive control of your world.

I Dont Care if You lost , Money, a Income, Travel, Real estate, Food, You Can Gain all This Back and More 

Buy My Book Buy Business Hustler Owner Today  I Dare You !
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Here is Follow up Math  look at this  video  30 days to get 30 clients 

Friday, December 19, 2014

The 100,000 Dollars Follow Up! 2015

The 100,000 Dollars Follow Up!  2015

 Why this will work so well in your business and to get you notice now ! Fast and you start making money and building the relationship.  Motivation  Friday !

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook    please share this video 

Here is Follow up Math  look at this  video  30 days to get 30 clients 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Need For Speed In Your Business , On Tour

Need For Speed In Your Business , On Tour  2015 

This Year has been amazing ,we are looking forward to next  year  we could be  in your city next
Business Hustler Owner Tour .With great teachers in their field let us  teach you the business of  a hunter

1,How to Sell You

2, No Your Numbers

3, Why Use Instagram,

4, Promote With Flyers

5,i love a business card, 10,000 in fact

6, How to be social with a relationship

7  How to market
And More Come take this plane ride with us

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook    please share this video 

  Make list of 100 people to buy from you today  View and make Comment peace 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Success is waiting for you . Take It 2015

Success  is waiting for you . Take It  2015   make a comment 

People who bought and Understand their business and want to learn more 
Buy Business Hustler Owner Today  I Dare You !

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook    please share this video 

  Make list of 100 people to buy from you today  View and make Comment peace 

Monday, December 15, 2014

IF you believe it you should be able to make it happen

if you believe it you should be able to make it happen

If you believe it you should be able to make it happen, Let me show you the power of you.Read Business Hustler Owner , learn how to increase your income and make money .

 and travel the world with heart and understanding the motivation and eat great food and share your love  of business take technology boldly by the by the hand and share your knowledge  Read Business Hustler Owner Today make a comment and subscribe today here on the YouTube

Here is another Video ! Enjoy your day

Buy Business Hustler Owner Today  I Dare You !

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  Make list of 100 people to buy from you today  View and make Comment peace 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Do me a Favor Read the First Chapter of Business Hustler Owner For Free i Dare You !

Do me a Favor Read the First Chapter of Business Hustler Owner For Free i Dare You ! 

And if you don't learn something from this First Chapter , You need to go ahead a Slap yourself . understanding that you wont . You  will gain great insightful information in the mind of of a hunter who do this everyday me who make real money not only online offline this  is were the real training begins .its   not watching CNN or Reading the Wall street Journal  . Or playing lotto  i am the Real Deal Baby , And  I See Business Very Clear and Forecast ever moment ,A Street to business  Mindset

Networking and making some small  deals and Bigger Deals  . So here is my Challenge to you To Read the First Chapter no Charge ,Dont   be a Chicken or A Deer, or a  Lamb . Go Ahead be that Hunter for your Family and learn How to  make this money , Brother or Sister or Young person

Buy Business Hustler Owner Today  I Dare You !

Buy Business Hustler Owner Today  Double Dare You !

Buy Business Hustler Owner Today Triple  Dare You !

Buy Business Hustler Owner Today Fuck Buy the Dam Book

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  Make list of 100 people to buy from you today  View and make Comment peace 

10,000 Business Cards Why ! New Video

10,000  Business Cards Why ! New Video Use  this to start your Day Saturday 

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook    please share this video Go Buy Business Hustler Owner Today 

  Make list of 100 people to buy from you today  View and make Comment peace 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Why your sells are not increasing

Why your sells are not increasing 

This is all about the follow up ,in your business and why you are not telling your customer what you have for them this could be life changing for them and you have a great #Friday and how you help them make money  Click here and make money 

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook    please share this video  Go Buy Business Hustler Owner Today 

  Make list of 100 people to buy from you today  View and make Comment peace 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

New Technology In Business

New Technology

Please Subscribe to my Blog . New Technology Age in Business the Everlasting Change of the  New Age of Business. We  at Business  Hustler Owner University . Believe  Your Change is Now

Why the Cell phones will be your best tools to to gain access to the world we have a globe economy to , make money now with these tools and start building your brand . towards your own business today  please subscribe  and view my web

Do you want to learn how to blog here is a way to make money

Create your own  products and service to sell around the globe . learn how to sell watch this videos

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook    please share this video

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

To be Consisting and Why ? Here is 10

To be Consisting and Why ?

There lot been said about being consist about a business or anything you want to do , why do some business get rich faster and make money .  And another business crash and burn because of their insisting 

Why should you consider to be more consisting about your business and there very true important reason why you will make alto of money when you do 

1, Plan your Day and Dream your Plan 

2, Understand your message and plan to teach your message to others 

3, know your products or service that you are selling 

4, Get up early , 

5 Stay up late 

6, Be on Time 

7, Make this your lifestyle 

8, Read positive message and view positive message 

9, Believe in Your Why 

10 Help more people 

11 Read Your Bible 

Perhaps i make video about this later  come back 

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook    please share this video  Go Buy Business Hustler Owner Today 
  Make list of 100 people to buy from you today 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Looking Rich Vs. Being Rich in Business

Looking Rich Vs. Being Rich in Business 

Have you ever wonder why . actors, doctors ,lawyers, and teachers make so much money . Do they look the part are they rich .don't  assume 

More to Come later 

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook    please share this video
  Make list of 100 people to buy from you today 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Start Your Day with Motivation Here is 5

Start Your Day with Motivation Here is 5 

1 , Start with a Prayer 

2, Kiss the Wife and tell  her that you love her  forever 

3,Exercise for 15-20 minutes and get the blood moving 

4, Eat Breakfast 

5, Smile 

There is more but here is your start , move forward and have fun today share Today 

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook    please share this video
  Make list of 100 people to buy from you today 

Go Buy Business Hustler Owner Today 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Wow What a Great Full Three Days Anniversary Love this Woman

Wow What a Great Full Three Days Anniversary 

Man ,we that is  me and the wife had a great time in Savannah Georgia .As a business owner i have time and money to share with my wife .

 And guess what i will be sharing some amazing pictures with you  and videos ,stay tune and watch .  My prayer  for you is become a Business Hustler  Owner While you work for someone else learn the skills to pay the bills 

Have a great Day this Sunday and please make a comment and share 

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook    please share this video
  Make list of 100 people to buy from you today 

Go Buy Business Hustler Owner Today  

Here Some photos  we had a Blast 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Airport Clarence Business Hustler Owner Tour Baby Have a Happy Firday

Airport Clarence Business Hustler Owner Tour Baby 

Business Hustler Owner On Tour Plane Trip My Trip to Dallas Texas Was A Great Fun . Lots of studying late nights  with my Master Mind Group . we  eat dinner  stay up  late  and 12 -14 hours of class and share  make money ideas 

That  Day i flew on southwest i meet great people that sung on the plane and took care of their  customer  service is awesome   . 

And  Stewart  he share his amazing song . southwest need to give this guy a raise  . The Song was amazing . 

 So go over here and buy my  book Business Hustler Owner  and make a comment need your help and please subscribe to my newsletter the Santa to the right 

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook    please share this video
  Make list of 100 people to buy from you today 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

( I Got No Money Bad Grammar ) I have no money, Can you give me some money

I Got No Money   Bad Grammar )  I have no money,  Can you  give me  some money  

Everyday i hear this same lame excuse . And also see allot of lazy people who want even try to get a job . they would rather become beggars with a cardboard sign give me money .because you owe me because you work so dam hard for your money  

This day  my daughter is having her third child . and this morning i had the two grandsons in the store as i inter the store this young lady was looking and staring at me at the front door as  we left the grocery the young lady ask do you have any change . with a quick response don't you see me with these two boys 

That made the young lady look  down with a shy look .  the  young lady who is  plump and look well feed and groom , and in good health 

The message  that i relay to my grandson  they will work , and  one day they will go into that grocery store and ask for job  to get employment . 

Why should  you do this around this  establishment . Without asking for a job . Young People help Other Young People  see the light 

And  show them they must go out and  work . not steal ,not kill ,not beg 

Now if you want to start a business perhaps i could help with this . or look for a good word for the management to review your application 

Look people who will  work will eat . the people who beg will always be a slave to the master 

 Some Young People  believe that life has a free ride , don't let this be your mistake .  And i will teach my Young Son and Grand kids to work for what you want 

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook   Make list of 100 people to buy from you today 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Why I Hustle

Why i Hustle, The message has always  been  I have faith in God ,

And he will lead your path in your  everyday goals and your message . I really do appreciate   my team .

 My  Clients friends , Family they  all   push me hard  ,and keep me working. and having fun in life

This book,Helping Business Lives ! And  You  Click below and Buy

Thank you for the Support So go Buy this Book  Business Hustler Owner 

Or Send me your Email and i will sign your copy if you buy direct from me

Subscribe to my Channel  Join me instagram , youtube , facebook    please share this video 

Here is Follow up Math  look at this  video  30 days to get 30 clients 

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Don't loose Money In Business On Black #Friday

Don't  loose  Money In Business !  On Black #Friday 

Most of the time you are in the rush to make a Buck or Two ! But sometimes you must look and do some research like a detective before you spend real money 

Here is what you should do today  ! and you can click here and buy this game to get started to learn the risk of money Click Here and Buy I do Appreciate the sell . And will make a small commission if you buy . (And no you will Buy ) 

Before i use real money i use this method of play this is call the Monopoly Effect   The  first time the game beat me and a few of my friends ,that play this amazing game .( Let Me Get To My Point ) We were in the 7 grade some of us  learn about money and some learn from our parents who did  not have a dime , so the game intrigue a few of us youngster 

When playing Monopoly we played for Hours and some learn and some did  not play again to resume the game , perhaps chasing girls was more important then making money more later when you purchase Business Hustler Owner get on  the list today 

Here is what you will see playing with monopoly some people and their  reality is the same in the real world  of money as it is in monopoly World . believe or Not 

Join me instagram , youtube , facebook   Make list of 100 people to buy from you today 

Come back later  i will add more to my though process 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanks Giving

Dear Roosevelt  Readers

Thank you for being an Loyal Readers and buyers of my Products . We wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving and Holiday season.

Join Me and Subscribe to my Channel get ready for more !

Scribe to my Blog and YouTube Channel And instagram  love to have you here

Buy My Book Today Business Hustler Owner 

Your Mission Statement In Business Profit /Loss

Your Mission Statement In Business Profit /Loss 

When you start a Business , you start with a mission to have freedom and  to be  a owner of something special . but here is a clue most business forget get their mission.

A  Business is to make sure you  have a profit , for their employees to be employed to pay taxes to give to church or family to send their kids to school to have a better education to travel , to take  care of your health .
 With out a profit in Business you do not have a mission you have a hobby #Business Hustler Owner

Scribe to my Blog and YouTube Channel And instagram  love to have you here

Buy My Book Today Business Hustler Owner 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Eat with Roosevelt My Chicken or Turkey Stuffing Here is The Recipe

Eat with Roosevelt My Chicken or Turkey Stuffing Here is The Recipe 

4  Boxes of Jiffy Corn Bread mix , Follow the instruction on the back of the Box 
You can use Chickens Thighs or a Whole Chicken this Depends on the Amount people that will be at your party or you having for dinner .

2 chop onions you add more or less depends what your family can handle 

For Spices i use Gouda and Salt and Black pepper to season the chicken then add i my chop onions and bake . at 375 degrees until chicken is done then i use the droppings into  my corn bread for add season that has been bake 

Here is a simple rule i use,  i let the butter sit  until the butter is soft   so i can mix the season into the butter than i rub the chicken with a season butter rub this is  so amazing ( read above to bake your chicken ) 

Now  i do use chicken broth to mix the Corn bread that already has been bake , when the chicken has cool down and pull apart the chicken and add to the corn bread and mix together 

Then Re bake again for the  30- 45 mins . i like a soft stuffing not a hard or stiff stuffing . this is were the chicken broth helps . since both chicken and the cornbread have already been cook you only have to re bake for around 30 -45 mins or to your desire 

Ingredients ; 

 1, 4 packs of Corn bread Mix  Jiffy 

2, 1 stick of butter 

3, 2 large onions or 4 small onions read above what ever you and your family desire  

4,  Whole Chicken or Quarter of  a Turkey or Chicken Thighs 

5, Gouda season , Salt, and Pepper  if you cant  find Gouda  Season 

6 , 2 large Aluminum  Pans or Small pans Depends on the Size of Your Family 

Now lets Not Forget the gravy for this Amazing Stuffing . Come back later to learn if you leave a comment i will share my gravy with you so make a comment 

Join me on instagram , YouTube , and Buy My Book Business Hustler Owner 

How to make 100,000 a year

How to make 100,000 a year . 

What is Hundred Thousand a Year .some my say this is  so easy , if think this  way you are correct and others may say this is a impossible task . and you are correct 

Lets talk a few minutes and were  can you  make  100,000 a year Jobs , as i write this post their is 216,000 post that will tell  you and I were we  can find a  100,000 a year job 

Lets start with a few !

1, The Medical field as a Resister Nurse . (that field is becoming a crowed market ) the education that is needed is 2 yrs or 4 years for a master 

2,  A Truck Driver with a Class A license ( You must work long hrs and be away from home that is like joining  the Army and the training takes 6 months to a year . will less pay 

3, National Account Executive ( Some Educational is needed and ( 2 years experience )

4, Senior Strategist for London Office if you are willing to travel international 

5, Associate Director for Recruitment and Outreach
Admissions in  The University of Oregon

6,  Or you can learn something new to make you 100,000 AND EVERY YEAR AFTER YEAR UNTIL YOU WANT TO THIS TO STOP .

   I will post this later  stay tune for more later 

Join me on Instagram and Facebook  And read my book Business Hustler Owner 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Eat with Roosevelt Mexican Food

Eat with Roosevelt  Some  of the Best Mexican Food In Jacksonville Florida so when you have a chance go look around at some real estate and travel were the food is amazing in my city what a lifestyle . Make a Comment and Subscribe to my YouTube  and Make a Comment On My Blog

Join me on instagram , Subscribe to my you tube and make Comment
And Buy my Book , Business Hustler Owner 

Friday, November 21, 2014

You need Fans Here is a Chicken Not a Nugget

Ruining a Business takes Interested  In you !  And you  need to start building a #Fan Base and Have a Sell Out Attitude

Here is a #Chicken not a nugget  Click Here were i break Down Why ? You need Fans  This is a 1 hr Podcast if you have a little time this is amazing Want Change it

How much Motivation Do you need , Go check out my you tube Channel and Subscribe 

Also Subscribe to my Instagram . and Buy My Book Business Hustler Owner 

And Stack the Cars in Your Favor and Help More People Start a Business 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Business is About The relationship of The People Who Support You

Business is About The  relationship of The People Who Support You 

The Best  Thing About  is Growth and  the people who have always support you good or Bad new Videos  Think about  this while you grow they will come if you stay positive and focus 

Go buy my Book Business Hustler Owner 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Eat with Roosevelt (Whats in The Crab Boil ) Here is the My Recipe

Eat with Roosevelt  (Whats in The Crab Boil )  Here is the  My Recipe 

1,  12 large Crabs ,6 medium and 6 small Crabs 

2, 4 or Five large Potatoes Dice or Half 

3, 1 pack of Spicy Sausage 

4, 12 large Sweet Corn 

5 , And i Use a Pack of Fresh Carrots and Celery 

 Now lets set the Season , Black Pepper and  Morton  Salt 

You also need  Tony Chacheres  Creole Famous Seasoning and Complete Badia Seasoning 

Now lets start this Mix's 

Depends on What Type of  A Pot you  have ? you could need a half of water or 1/3 of water and that depends on  the amount crabs you want to eat .Almost forgot (Onion ) perhaps to whole and unpeeled 

Now add your Season that i wrote above and let your water Boil for 1/2 hrs  Now lets Add your Base Sausage Corn ,Carrots,Celery Potatoes  and Dont forget the onion

And now  let  the Crabs  Boil For 45 mins . Now take every thing that i note above out and place this in a Bowl  . Keep the water Bowling and start adding the Crabs  Slow and Easy  . Crabs should be cook for around 30 minutes to 45 min   If you love Fish and Shrimp Add to Your Boil 

Join me on instagram and follower   and please make  comment , now check out my book and buy Business Hustler Owner 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Think like a Billionaire O

Think like a Billionaire  O

Think like a Billionaire  Only 793 people in the World are Billionaires So Why not go to the  Top you might be a mega billionaire and become 794

Now when should  you start buying Advertisement for your Business ,

Why are Billionaires Big or Mega  . Do they Travel  Do Eat Different . What make them Think Bigger ! Its Simple they  Those Few  People  has always Think they could  and they think  huge . And they Are Dreamer with Action Everyday

Why Should you not talk to small mind people .who will waste your Big Thinking . there level of understanding will be a little clouded and there mindset have to be prepare to be mature

A Study has shown the more you read about a subject or listen you start to adapt expert behaviors and the people you surround yourself with starts to change .

Now what do this has to do with Advertisement and Buying . 

This will surprise you it call waste time ! To become first you have to do a lot of research to become first and allot free stuff that is were everyone is . Billionaire do countless hours of research and use other people money and then dominate  the market place and leave you to the crumbs of free stuff

Not Say to say they do not  utilize  the market place for free to let you see their Brand Awareness , this is only a small percent of the bigger picture . And Why ! Please  leave a Make Comment

Join Me on Instagram

Buy My Book Business Hustler Owner 

You tube Birds of Feather Flock Together  And Subscribe to my Channel

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Learning And Making Mistake

Learning And Making Mistake 

Some  will tell you that making a mistake in business or anything is horrible ,To them i  must say this is bullshit . 

You are going to make a allot of mistake , in high school they tell you.You  are perfect if your test score is  100 .  In Business no one is counting and one deal could make you rich and set you on the path of a Winner Mindset 

So don't let a lame excuse  from  anyone  who tell you otherwise . A another thing that you must know numbers count in business not test score . And you  dam better do alot of research about a subject or business deal always be over prepare . 

Will you make mistake .my answer (Sure Will )  Here is  my Video  Join me on Instagram Today  please check out more videos on this page .please make  a comment let me  know what you think  Share perhaps i make a video later stay tune in and watch  

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Business is Not Easy !( Dammit )

Everything starts with a plan , and Hard work  when you start a journey of a business of any-kind its best to say to do allot of research on the topic .

Read and Buy My  Book Business Book Business Hustler Owner Today 

There is a easy way to build a business .  Yes indeed you must go with winners who have made money . Time and Time Again their methods have made them  thousand, and millions of dollars .

If you are viewing my Video , Business takes allot of Hard Work i don't  care what industry you are in , Travel, Food Fragrance ,Cars Barbers , Lawyers Doctors ,  Truck Drivers, Any lifestyle
Read my Blog Daily please share this information  also read below and do join me instagram and subscribe 

Just Recent i seen the News when a women ,was chasing a thief  stealing from a billion dollar company Walmart ,

This Guy and his family stole a Cart full of Food and some others stuff that was not food and they lady was recording the scene and was calling herself a good deeded or doing good deed nerveless i would not chase this man when i could have call the police because Walmart is a billionaire Company

And she  could have lost her fucking  life doing a deed that could have cost Walmart  400 dollars and they have insurance on everything  in their store except her.

  Yes i understand her purpose , life can change so quick just call the cops also she had her kids along with her embarrassed a thief  and  he still left with the food . She could have got killed and more than than food would have been loss of life

Here is my message call the Cops !

Make Comment Good or Bad ! What do you Think

 Click here to watch Make a list of 100 people to make Money Now !

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

To The Top We Go !

To The Top We Go  ! 

Lets get start to multiply your efforts , you need to know your market place and  your brand

Your business without the Fuss or the mess .

Your Money Efforts start today look at this video , i tried to be real but sometime  business is real funny . let get start

Your Network marketing ! Were is The Money Life Changes work Changes will make you real humble to others efforts about business .

There is a Goal  in a business lets get start make a comment here today
Read my Highly Acclaimed Business Book , Business Hustler Owner 

Join me on instagram and subscribe 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Make a List of 100 people to Buy From You Today !

Make a List of 100 people to Buy From You Today ! 

Make list of 100 people to buy from you today .   Our  Cell phone and email contact is our biggest asset . So why don't you use this asset to create  profits . 

 So  You  do not believe in your list.  Now most Network Marketing tell you to write a 100 people Down that will need your help and tell them  what you have to offer .  I am OK with that because i love to sell watch this Video 

But what  they have not told you.  Your list could be loser !  And you knew this anyway because you were a loser also . You are mad  at me right  now, get over this  already the truth  hurts 

 (What they  did  not tell You)! That 
 You might have to find  new friends to build  money and wealth Friends . Birds of Feather Flock Together  check this Video out (Ass) well 

 Check out my 7 mins plus Video , this is  so  Funny and the rest  is so real    click  below 

You are the  Asset in the people building business . read my Book Business Hustler Owner and buy Today 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Eating with Roosevelt Davis (Healthy Chicken)

Eating with Roosevelt Davis (Healthy Chicken).  Today Fried Chicken is Questionable . The Place were my Family Buy Chicken is Wholefood super Market were the Food might be a little  expense . But what Food   is not  . 

To me the taste of chicken seem to me is raise to quickly . and the chicken have been tasting like cook boil eggs so i was going to give up my delightful chicken until we went to whole foods  . The First thing  i did notice is no broken bones or bruising  of the Chicken . 

No over large piece . Not to say that don't  like large piece of Chicken  , 

And the Chicken has  less oil  and Fat ! 

When i cook this Chicken the taste is so amazing and did not  had to add extra season or salt peeper to enrich the flavors .

 Look at the result Below !  Fresh not yellow ,or broken bones and no blood bruising of any kind raise , not grow no additional hormones or water chemicals .  This is essential when you need  to know what is in your food for a healthy life . 

Please make Comment on this ,and Subscribe to my Newsletter . Go to my instagram and YouTube and Subscribe  .Check my Book and Buy B,H,O Business Hustler Owner 

Did you See Eat with Roosevelt Davis Part 1 Go look Now 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Yachts for Sale Roosevelt

Yachts for Sale  , OK  maybe not today when you achieve a business that make you  money to help yourself and someone else  the world will win . .  That is  why i wrote B,H,O , 
Business Hustler Owner . For You To Buy and Read Today Tomorrow or Whenever . 

So here are Some of my Adventures . On yachts or just looking at the yachts . when you have a chance just go live, time is so short and go make some money 

And please Subscribe and make a Comment to my newsletter and sign up to my you tube and instagram . Have a Super Day 

Benjamin Franklin Quote

Benjamin Franklin Quote

Benjamin Franklin Quote ,Let me show you the power of you . To Gain knowledge is the Best interested in you . Benjamin Franklin . Now since you have Read and View this Video here is a Book that will pick your interest on my website

The Book is Call BHO , Business Hustler Owner  Great for a Tuesday and Weekly  learning Experience , Take this  Book on your Travel or When you Have Lunch or Dinner if you sell Real estate you need this Book or Manger of any company . To Change your View of Business and the hard core world of money and a Fast pace lifestyle Have a Successful Day

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Eating With Roosevelt Davis (PF Chang -Chinese Food )

One thing i have notice great food is Affordable ,  But Not Cheap . As you read this you will see a Huge Horse , its one of the P.F. Chang's Bistro    Logos  . They have took their brand to new levels with Chinese Food And i love Great Cook Chinese Food , Another Thing you will notice about this Restaurant when you enter the Doors is their great customer service and clean restroom . 

So lets get to The 
  Food Today  Eating with Roosevelt Davis i order with my family appetizer CHANG'S BBQ SPARE RIBS 
Slow-braised and wok-seared with a tangy Asian barbecue sauce Amazing Ribs We also had the Chicken with peanuts and Fried Rice with Egg noodles Soup with white rice to the side .

 Next time i going to try do a small interview of the food and perhaps the restaurant owners or mangers that run their restaurant  on this high level with food until next time enjoy your food and please do make a comment and subscribe to my newsletter that is on this page for more updates . Look for a Video of this Also 

 Oops almost forgot  go  buy my Book Business Hustler Owner Sold on  click here and enjoy  BHO 

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Weird People Day

Happy Weird People Day 
Happy Weird People Day  See me on instagram and please make a comment And sign up to my newsletter and receive a Free podcast  how to Win Fans in Business 

Read my Highly Acclaim Business Book  Great For Halloween what a treat

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Eating With Roosevelt Davis (Crab Boil )

The Food  Was Amazing .A Few weeks ago i made a pot of steamy Crabs with all of the fixings  my family  went crazy 7 . Here are  some of the Pictures of this Awesome Event with Family .

Now to their  Surprise i Came in with my Chef Jacket with my Four Stars . And Yes i was a Chef one of many Hustle . I love Being A Chef , But what i did  not enjoy not spending time with Family

And My Sister In-law Cook this Amazing Fried Fish that is on the Page , When you have a business that could change your life and help others along the way . Your Business and Your Life Becomes Adventure to Enjoy

 Please Do make a Comment and Share  And Sign Up To My Newsletter Business Hustler Owner  and receive a Free Podcast Why you should have Fans instead of Customer

And Buy My Book Business Hustler Owner  BHO Sold on

Monday, October 27, 2014

How to Make A Million Dollars

 What is a Mentor , A Person who see the Best in You , When you do not  see a Future in Yourself 

Live Conference Call Tonight How To Make A Million Dollars , With My Mentor Sir Markadoo Call In Numbers is 712-775-7031 ,Call ID is 650649616 Show Starts a 9 pm Tonight 

We are  Having a Live Meeting on Monday Night At 9 ! How to become a Millionaire Everyday and this show is Host By Your Truly Me .

 Were i will introduce my Book  Hard Cover Business Hustler Owner , Please Call in Were i will have a panel of Experts  Asking Me Question about the Book , if you want to follow along with us you can get the kindle Version of this Book By Clicking here BHO to Buy Now 

 What Steps you must take to become a  Millionaire the book is for Sale , If you listen to the End you could be one lucky person who will get a free Book , And all you must Do is pay for Shipping Click below the Video and the Details will be there See You Monday Night 

And Do sign to my Newsletter Today  Business Hustler Owner   The Numbers and Will be post in the newsletter 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Learn How To Sale !

Learn How To Sale , Like A Hooker 

OK some of you will be offend . so here is the truth who gives a Dam what you think ! 
if you are not selling you are being sold too . and believe me they will sell  you more  products and stuff than you  need  .  So lets make Some Money 

Here is a Clue . Am selling information to help  you make  money now and this will help your business to get you paid with repeat business its in my  book Business Hustler Owner  So go Sell like a Hooker 
 Click here for my free Free Podcast

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Transformation In 60 days in Business and Your Lifestyle as a Rich Beach Bum

Transformation In Business and Your Lifestyle 

Sometime , i just wonder why change is so hard for most of us . why going to the gym is so hard why starting a business or studies for test .  Or to be on Time For Anything 

For me i Rather  Sleep All Day on The Beach . Yes i would love to be a Beach Bum ! Well how about a Rich Bum who will work hard to help more people be a rich Bum . 

Now on my YouTube Channel i will be Sharing some important factors to make money have fun give to charity and work hard to be Beach Bum !  Dont  laugh this is true and real lets make this action happen for you Join my Channel here today 

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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Bring Back Sexy In Business

Bring Back Sexy In Business 

Well i  have been very busy working hard , bringing sexy back in business . yea this sound so corny . 

So let me in lighting you  what  i have  been up too . 

Well me and  my team have been on tour and building the brand of  Roosevelt 
and we have been helping many people who want to learn how to build their brand on instagram  you tube .  So join me here and subscribe 

Why is the Transformation important in your business .  So Come back were i add more about this topic 

Here is a Short Video  and please make Comment i like to have your comments   maybe i can help 

Today is #Friday what are you going  to do to improve your message with the world and your motivation Did you  see the Video if not   click the link above  and make a comment 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Men are having Real Issue Finding a Job and Starting a Business

I have Some New Videos for you ! Today please view  here , there is a real issue for men they are working and working and the companies that employee all   these men do not respect what they do !

Here are some issue that i see right away .

1, Not enough hours and many companies are giving family men 20 -25 hrs a week this is a insane and the women that use to their husband providing are taking this personal (And this anger is towards their husband)   Not the Companies and this has separate marriages all over the world

2 , Low wages that don't  meet the need of the household , Daycare , Food, Gas , Rents , Mortgages , Doctors, and some Entertainment has effect men in the 14 years

3, No  time spent in the household , is Destroying Marriages and low Birth rates you must be able to provide if you are working two part time jobs (read above ) when you really need two full times jobs with your wife full time job a low wager job , you don't have time to build a relationship

4, Many Children are effect ! they are slow learning they are not able to pronounce sentence correct and some are abuse by the provider because of the long hours  or  lack of  attention that is needed with a two parent system . That why i  believe becoming a  business and owner  this takes work this will not be a  easy task

5, To me it seem that  a Real Men is becoming Taboo , Women we need your help with this issue (More )later  check out Videos Make a Comment love  to  read your comments

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Why a wise a and a complete campaign will gain you a legends of #Fans

Why a wise a and a complete campaign will gain you  a legends of  that will buy your products Come back and i will tell you how ! simple work work work 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Instagram Training Videos

Instagram  Training  Videos

Just go watch the videos that's  around 7-8 mins long .  and watch the  pic on   .

Have Fun Viewing ! also  Do subscribe to my channel and Do make a comment here is the video 
 Work Hard and Market Harder 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Naked Old Woman on The Bike

The Naked Old Woman on The Bike 

Before you be allow to use  your imagination this really happen   have  you  ever watch the movie big fish if so there is so many colorful things going around in one person head . 

That is true !   Now if you one of  many people who have been watching my instagram   clips of 30 seconds  movie clips i would like to say( THANK YOU ) 

ITS me  speaking about business and other topics . what you might not  have realize each movie is about 7 mins long and with more details . about what i am doing 

And yes i am selling a product that you can use . what is the clue you must subscribe to my email newsletter if you want more ,if you   do not!   Well  your world will never change and you will be stuck in the mud wondering if i could have ever  learn something special  from Roosevelt Davis 

And you will ,  So Come back were i be sharing more and please make a comment i love to read what you all are saying here 

 Peace ! Work Hard and Market Harder  Join me on my instagramRooseveltDavis1 and watch more clips  


Friday, August 1, 2014

How many Sales ! I Can you get in One Day (With My Team ;)

How many Sales ! I  Can you  get in One Day (With My Team ;)

Imagine  this you winning a game in basketball and five other guys are defending you are a  alone no one to pass the( Dam)  ball too  so you think. 

Are you not looking to pass the fucking ball . guess what happen since the other players works as a team , someone  on the team goes behind you and steal the ball and pass the ball to the other guy and he makes the shot and win the game . (Shit Happens ) 

And you see other players mean mugging your ugly ass , because you not  did realize that you lose together and your win together ,no matter how much you want to be Micheal Kobe Magic ,And Lebron , or  Shaq . they all have a team you might not remember the back  up singers but without them no will remember you !  please subscribe and make a comment 

Here is a link please subscribe to my you tube and make a comment

Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Most Effective way , to talk to people by using a flyer to Sell your products 3

The Most Effective ways , to talk to  people by using a flyer to Sell your products 

1, Ask the customer is it OK to give them a flyer 

2, Make Sure you have the products , that you are selling if not know the service if the client might need more information about you 

3,  Its about the numbers ,  give out at least 10- 20 flyers each   day to real people  . here is how to see the numbers quick 10 x 30 days is 300 people a month if you sold a product that sold for a 100 dollars and you  made at least 10 sells you will make 1,000 dollars  Amazing ! 

Now if you would love more information . please leave a comment and tell me  what you think 

Also Join me Twitter.Rjinternational and Facebook, and Instagram.RooseveltDavis1 and linkedin.RooseveltDavis

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Business Owners Do Not Promote A Networking Marketing Company (Promote You)

Business Owners Do Not Promote A Networking Marketing Company (Promote You) 

This Could make Some   Bushiness Owners mad ! But  i am  going to allow you to get mad and Think about this in a clever  manner  And  do something about it .   do make a comment on Facebook and on  my  blog .  Best Selling , Author . Business Hustler Owner 

When promoting a business such as a networking marketing business you should promote you not the products or  the company unless you own the company   . Here is one clue the company that you are promoting is and will get free advertising from you.! and the person  you are trying to recruit  on your team will go straight  to the source and you might  not get paid for the lead , that is social media , you tube you did the work and they reap the rewards that is why so many fail the network marking business

Unless  you know  the person first and already have a relationship . Building Trust is the  first thing you should do. with your brand and network marketing business

Here Are three things you should know  Now .plus 2

1, You are the mouth piece  of any company that you promote  ( Read my Book Business Hustler Owner ) on Amazon

2, You can sell any product that you  want and make money there is no limited , you don't need anyone  permission

3, When you promote , to your Readers , Viewers , Family , Associate  take responsibly  for what you promote to people (They Trust You )

4, Understand what you are selling ! Do not  Sell Crap and do the research
before you open your mouth and sell a product or service

5, Understand your numbers , This will  save  you the fucking headache before you  sell anything   You and your team are in the business of helping people and making Money 

Now Go Buy My( Business Hustler Owner ) Sold on Amazon  And make a Comment here , and look at this #funny Video i make for you 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Profits and Inventory Why having to much could harm your bottom line

Profits and Inventory Why having to much could harm your bottom line  or less 

I have seen having to little could hurt your business , and i  have seen having to much of one item that did  not sell very well could hurt the business 

1 , Do you know what a profit is 

A Financial  Gain , Especially the Difference between the Amount you earned and the amount spent in buying ,operating ,or producing something . Now we going to break  down each factor Down in a true  and simple term using a video and to see why you should use the numbers factors  before you market a product or a service .  Take some time to think about what you want to do and how you want to earn and how long will it take to earn what you want . 

Today a person ask me i want to make a million dollars and i told him , that all you must make a day is 2,800 a day a this my friend is a little over a million dollars a year check the math 

2, Do you know what a quick sell items is  . A Quick Sell is a item or service that a person needs , here are a few examples , Milk ,Bread, Eggs, Gasoline , Tissue , Shampoo , Car Insurance . The Need for these items Know  matter the price people will pay or try to find  out the best way to purchase  The Quick Sell this  is call the sweet spot of business 

3, Do you know what a recycle sell is . A Recycle is the amount you can make off one item , here is a example of recycle sell  (Food)  Corn you can make Cornmeal ,Grits, Cornstarch , Ethanol ,   Corn syrup a Corn pipe, Moonshine . Another  (Food) is   the   Peanuts Dr.  George Washington Carver Explore the peanut as a Scientist in Iowa State University and he make 300 ways to use the peanut and to make money here are a few peanut butter , hair grease ,message oil, cooking oils ,lamp oil ,Dyes  Now you have a few ways of a recycle sale . There is more to be explore this can be a  product or service that you can make money from 

4,  Do you know were to  find the profit in your products that you sell . Its the min  that you can get in the market place for a similar or the max for a item that you create to  sell or  you control in  the market place that you customer need or want  

5,  Buyers Remorse, is a products that you thought you need or dream about or  could not afford or the product did do not  what the seller has offer 

6, A Cost per item of product this   will make   you the maximum profit when you sell 

7 Later i will try to detail each in a video . that will help you today 

please make a comment on everything , this will help motivate me to show details and the feed back . really do help a bushiness owner to create great content for readers 

Join me on each Twitter , Instagram , Google plus , YouTube