Sunday, August 16, 2015

When your World Changes the Mind. Change In A Positive Manner

When your World Changes the minds of others in a positive matter understand that its not you changing a mind its the God  In You ! That is in charge of The World www.

Why do your Domain Really Count ! ,And why you should control this important Asset 

As this video will detail buying and holding domains is a way to understand your asset and your asset is the money of information .

What you Don"t know About Business will Hurt You 

Now buying so many domains and not using them to generate clients  to buy your service , to me is insane  you should always buy . Your Sir Name Like ( 

The Other  Day One of My Friends and Fellow Associate Told Me ! That a Hater Said That I was Mean To My Clients (Just Direct and Straight and to The Point ) 

About making my Faith , Family and Making Money 

 And About Business and How A Business is More  Than Honey and Giving You Sweets All the Dam Time .Look at 2008-2009 to much Candy going On and People are Suffering From Rotten Teeth That They Cant Afford To Repair ( Housing Development )

My Friends I am and Going To Say No ! Because the Dentist Bill Is To Dam High 

Business My Friends is Harsh and if you don't have your Faith Right and Stronger work ethic, you wont be able to keep up in your business 

I Know this is not you , that is why you are a Business Hustler Owner Newsletter 

Pre Order Why i Hustle ! Why i Hustle 

Make a Donation : Clap Clap 

Watch Videos :You-tube Control your  Domain Name

 Why Your Opinion matters to you !  Watch This Video Now 

Meeting at Go Jo Coffee House In Orange Park Mall and Lets Talk Business and Share a Cup of Coffee 

Buy Now $39 Great Book pre- order now Appearance In Corporations and Hood America Series 

1, Check out This Videos.  You better Sell Some Junk

2, Look at All of Chicken Wire 

3 :Scary To Introduce Yourself to The World 

4, Work Harder than a Ant