Thursday, January 30, 2014

My Brick Mortal Business

My Brick Mortal Business  .

 When i had a  Brick an Mortal  Business , Something hit me !  I have achieve the American Dream
I Start my Business ,In the Flea Markets i sold my products there and i had repeat business and i had one employee .

And still work a Second Job , Somehow i believe if i kept a second job there would be some kind of security

 So i embrace this Brick , Mortal Business that will allow me so much  freedom  this is the  type of business that will allow me to travel the world and retire my Job , (I did enjoy employment my Job) , One thing i did Realizing the Company Could not afford my lifestyle that i  have embrace and want more of , Something Happen that change my life that Brick ,or Mortal Business Could not Do

I Discover the Internet Marketing World , Were i could market my business online with speed and create products or sell other products that was  truly needed  . Plus this World allow meet to meet people like myself around the world .

This World was Epic ,When i  had  The Truth , Energy  Action ,let me tell you this the information that i have learn took Seven long years reading ,building the right teams to the jobs that was needed for my business learning the language of the internet and Money . What is Opportunity in a business ,For me its about the practice practice and repeat repeat

.Why you might ask business is about learning the true basic systems of duplication ,duplication do not happen without training  Now if you have been reading for the last couple of days i had seen my brick and mortal business as it is ,its cost and headaches here are a few  Rents , Lights , Pest control ,Next there are  Sale Taxes , Federal Taxes , and Income Taxes , Repair Windows ,Pluming , and More  And At the End of Each Week you might have a little  to Pay Yourself  .

There is your  Home  Expense Repeat Above (What i just discuss above ) That is why i love Networking Marketing Business and  to Help others to See a Repeat Business and Give you more time to do more for others and your family future  . With one of  my Companies  .i use everyone else expense and receive more time and we both made money (More Rewards For Both and You Teach Time Management for your Teams ) As they Grow their  Business Into the Future (Come Back ) this will be Yummy for your Brain

Now that you Notice , believing  in Networking with others  is a must that is why twitter Ingram you-tube are so popular ,but have you notice telling and doing is a little harder without going out of you comfort zone to build a sound business models that will help your teams grow ,some  people just love people ,and some just want to be told do everything , its power in both teams ,that is were you as a leader motivate
Your teams into  a Frizz en of Motivation that will allow them  to Win Big Bring The Party (Come Back ) This will be a Slam Dunk

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Join Me On TwitterGoogle Plus , Instagram , Facebook, Pintrest. Youtube  Now if you are interested in a Business that  will help everyone and our  Young People make money 
Here is a way you can  grow and   learn quick , But You must be willing To Work Hard
And Stay positive .PS A Network marking Business Could be Your Start In  The Business World  Today