Thursday, January 30, 2014

My Brick Mortal Business

My Brick Mortal Business  .

 When i had a  Brick an Mortal  Business , Something hit me !  I have achieve the American Dream
I Start my Business ,In the Flea Markets i sold my products there and i had repeat business and i had one employee .

And still work a Second Job , Somehow i believe if i kept a second job there would be some kind of security

 So i embrace this Brick , Mortal Business that will allow me so much  freedom  this is the  type of business that will allow me to travel the world and retire my Job , (I did enjoy employment my Job) , One thing i did Realizing the Company Could not afford my lifestyle that i  have embrace and want more of , Something Happen that change my life that Brick ,or Mortal Business Could not Do

I Discover the Internet Marketing World , Were i could market my business online with speed and create products or sell other products that was  truly needed  . Plus this World allow meet to meet people like myself around the world .

This World was Epic ,When i  had  The Truth , Energy  Action ,let me tell you this the information that i have learn took Seven long years reading ,building the right teams to the jobs that was needed for my business learning the language of the internet and Money . What is Opportunity in a business ,For me its about the practice practice and repeat repeat

.Why you might ask business is about learning the true basic systems of duplication ,duplication do not happen without training  Now if you have been reading for the last couple of days i had seen my brick and mortal business as it is ,its cost and headaches here are a few  Rents , Lights , Pest control ,Next there are  Sale Taxes , Federal Taxes , and Income Taxes , Repair Windows ,Pluming , and More  And At the End of Each Week you might have a little  to Pay Yourself  .

There is your  Home  Expense Repeat Above (What i just discuss above ) That is why i love Networking Marketing Business and  to Help others to See a Repeat Business and Give you more time to do more for others and your family future  . With one of  my Companies  .i use everyone else expense and receive more time and we both made money (More Rewards For Both and You Teach Time Management for your Teams ) As they Grow their  Business Into the Future (Come Back ) this will be Yummy for your Brain

Now that you Notice , believing  in Networking with others  is a must that is why twitter Ingram you-tube are so popular ,but have you notice telling and doing is a little harder without going out of you comfort zone to build a sound business models that will help your teams grow ,some  people just love people ,and some just want to be told do everything , its power in both teams ,that is were you as a leader motivate
Your teams into  a Frizz en of Motivation that will allow them  to Win Big Bring The Party (Come Back ) This will be a Slam Dunk

Join the Mailing list when i update Blog ) To the Right or left of this Blog

Join Me On TwitterGoogle Plus , Instagram , Facebook, Pintrest. Youtube  Now if you are interested in a Business that  will help everyone and our  Young People make money 
Here is a way you can  grow and   learn quick , But You must be willing To Work Hard
And Stay positive .PS A Network marking Business Could be Your Start In  The Business World  Today

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

International Business and Universal Marketing

International Business and Universal Marketing 

Why is it  So important to Grow your Business Wide , This is a How Big Business is Grown You plant the  Seed Add Some Water put some Dung for Fertilizer , And Repeat this Effort Each Year 

Here is One My Business Partner Sir Markadoo were we share some pointer about Business  , Keep listening  you will hear what i  have to say about business and the mentor and more in 23-24 mins of this video  

I Hope You Enjoy  This is  About our Young People All Races and Creeds  To help them grow businesses for America  Future 

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Monday, January 27, 2014

The 3 Books That Created The Leader You Already (ARE)

There is something Wonderful taking your brain to  new levels , and gaining  a focus .this is what happens when i read books ,its my greatest adventure  Here are three books that i highly  encourage to you read today .
Please Click the  links and Go on Your  Business Adventure

1, Business Hustler Owner 

2, Riches Man  In Babylon 

3, Know Your Bible Today 

Now Join Me Soon On
Join Me On TwitterGoogle Plus , Instagram , Facebook, Pintrest. Youtube 


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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Do you love love #Cupcakes

Do you love love #Cupcakes , its Saturday just have some fun And Go get  the best Cupcake in Jacksonville  Florida its so Good 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Recruit Recruit Happy People

Recruit Recruit Happy People

Since Google want to show more love and put my business in front of millions of people i am
Going to do some thing special , and going to post my video here

Somehow am receiving  allot of unwanted spam never less lets work my blog that have for Google and recruit them to the business of marketing me !

The Another Day i receive 330 high of unknown traffic .did the traffic make me  any money hell to the No
But in One Day i receive 330 views and i did not receive this on my prefect word press blog

Guess what i going to keep them both just in case Google want to slap my blog Down always think Defense in Business

So here is my Video By the Way This Blog has Almost 12,000 Views who are looking at my Business

Recruit Happy People For Your Business Amazon Selling Author (Roosevelt Davis) and Author of Business Hustler Owner
Always #Recruit People that like You and You like them there is no better way to grow a #Successful #Business #Online and #Offline 
Looking for the Right people that you like and they like you is always a #mission with a #servant #heart ,you must be willing to help people achieve their #goals and you achieve your ,as a #team this will take time and effort , A #servant heat is a good #recruiter because your mission is to help others sound corny right . this is how big business achieve their goals when you think you are bigger than the team the team with fall , that why i love helping and achieving and recruiting online and offline i love meeting people And so will you 
Go Buy My Book on #Amazon .com #Business #Hustler #Owner

Join Me On TwitterGoogle Plus , Instagram , Facebook, Pintrest. Youtube 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Three No ! But i love

The Three No ! But i love    Dont You

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Beyouce these ladies took Tap Dancing the cake and them some

Beyouce these ladies took the cake and them some

Music is the heart of all men and women  , the greatness is on believable and this dance will improve your day ,So lets rock

Join me on twitter ,Facebook, YouTube, Google plus,

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What is Passion . And Could this help Your Business Today

What is Passion . And Could this  help Your Business Today 

Passion has been define in many ways ,there passion of love ,passion of anger,passion work, and my personal passion of art .

To my Surprise the Passion of Suffer ,The Latin Word Pa-ti is Passion and Define as Suffering .My Guess that why there is so many starving Artist , And i  not wanted to be one those Artist (But I Was)

Yes i love my Craft ,But i also had a child to feed and Feed myself .So i sold to my college and sold to Galleries and then bought advertisement in magazine and sold International and could  not hold my head above water and was working harder than my fellow Artist Who did not ? Care about Money
We Are Artist and Artist Must Suffer

Can passion make a career before the seed has been plant and water and before growth of what you love ever happens ,Yes and No !

As a College Student i had time to persuade my passion i paint for hours and days at a time and work as a part time student and work a part time job ,