No matter what you think, I can’t get new business without my #1 product — ME — Roosevelt
It may sound egotistical to you, but it’s true. It doesn’t matter what I’m selling. It could be
shoes, cars, real estate, or computers. I’m always my #1 product. When you buy something
from me, you are buying me.
This is the most powerful attitude you can have. It’s the attitude I’ve carried with me
throughout my career. It’s the attitude you must have to succeed. It never mattered to me
what I did for a living because I’ve always understood that I was my #1 product.
You Are Your #1 Product
When I started out, I was like you, focused on the product or service I was selling, or the job
I was doing. I did OK. But OK isn’t good enough. It took time for me to truly understand that I
was really selling Roosevelt Davis.
Let me show you the power of you.
We’ll use someone I’ll call “Angie” as an example. Angie owns a catering company in a large
city. You can bet that she isn’t the only catering company in town. If fact, there are dozens of
other catering companies competing for the same customers. Sure, their menus are different,
but they are all in the same line of business.
So what’s Angie’s hustle going to be if she wants to grow her business in this competitive
Angie knows that many of her competitors will boast about their large menu. Others may offer
prices that are lower than hers. And some will claim that they offer the best service. But none
of these tactics are the most effective way to win new business.
Make Your Prospects Want to Buy from You
Angie’s hustle is that she understands that she’s selling herself first and her catering business
second. She approaches her prospects with confidence. She knows that there’s no one more
happy, beautiful, well-qualified, and successful as she is. She knows she’s unique. She knows Now Order this book Today .A Super Good Read Click here Business Hustler Owner
Very interesting..... being a barber I'm understanding the technique of selling yourself. .....gotta read more